This service describes the procedures necessary to issue, postpone, amend, cease and extend a tourism license for a Business events organizing office according to the rules and requirements associated with it.
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E - Services
This service describes the procedures necessary to issue, postpone, amend, cease and extend a tourism license for a Business events organizing office according to the rules and requirements associated with it.
This service describes the procedures necessary to issue a license for business events with the related requirenments, in accordance with Law No. 21 of 2018 on organizing exhibitions in the state of Qatar. There are different types of business activities as follows:
The fees for issuing a tourism license for tourism facilities are calculated based on the following selected activities:
This service describes the procedures necessary to issue a tourism license for business events organizing office according to the rules and requirenments assosiated with it. The office may offer the bellow activities:
The fees for issuing a Tourism License for Business Events Organizing Officers are calculated based on the following selected activities:
This service describes the procedures necessary to postpone the tourism license for business events with the related requirenments,in accordance with law no. 21 of 2018 on organizing exhibitions in the state of Qatar.
This service describes the procedures necessary to renew a tourism license for Business events organizing office according to the rules and requirenments assosiated with it. The tourism license is valid for 5 years.
The fees for renewing a Tourism License for Business Events Organizing Offices are calculated based on the following selected activities:
This service describes the procedures necessary to amend the business events license according to the rules and requirements associated with it, allowing to modify the following types of data:
This service describes the procedures necessary to amend the tourism license for business events organizing offices according to the rules and requirements associated with it, allowing to modify the following types of data:
This service describes the procedures necessary to cease (stop) a business events license according to the rules and requirements associated with it.
This service describes the procedures necessary to cancel a tourism license for business events organizing offices according to the rules and requirements associated with it.
This service describes the procedures required to extend the tourism license for business events with the related requirenments, in accordance with law no. 21 in 2018 on organizing exhibitions in the state of Qatar.